Saturday, January 19, 2013

Photo of the week

Appeal to the Sun (Final Variation)

I don't usually manipulate my photos very much, but I did with this one. It also went through a series of different versions. This is the one I've settled on.

Previous variations
Appeal to the Sun  Kat (Appeal to the Sun variation)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Michael Lusk RIP

Sad Reminder...Untitled...Homage To Carl Chiarenza
Traces Of A JourneyCarmel, CA
Untitled...Homage To BaltzSadly...NO Respect
Michael Lusk, a gallery on Flickr.

I knew him only through the internet. I admired his eye for the subject, his sense of composition and his prodigious output. I'll miss seeing his photos on Flickr and his comments.